New Class on Friday Afternoon!
Dear all,
Due to a high demand from parents who cannot come to the class on Saturday morning, we will open a new class on Friday 2.15-3pm in The Kenilworth Centre. Several families who have registered for this class have siblings coming together so this class aims to accommodate a mixed age group up to 4 years old, please come to join us to learn Mandarin in a musically fun way!

Friday 2.15-3pm
23/Nov. 30/Nov. 7/Dec. 14/Dec. 21/Dec.
The Kenilworth Centre
Abbey End Car Park
Kenilworth CV8 1QJ
Fee: £5.5 per lesson (the first trial lesson free!) and siblings get 20% discount. Please book the whole term (£27.5 for one child, and £22 for siblings) in advance if already had the trial lesson .
Payment can be transferred to:
Sort code: 070246 Account number: 48676394 Name: Yi-Ting Huang
Please send email to or call 07870165155 for registration or enquiry, thank you very much!