2017 Spring Term coming soon!
Dear all,
The Spring Term will start next week. Below are the updates and reminder of the class schedule. I look forward to seeing everyone!

1. Saturday 10-10:45am: 6 months- 2 years old (full)
Saturday 11-11:45am: 3 -5 years old (one space left)
Location: Yi-Ting’s home studio in Kenilworth (CV8 2HY)
Date: 4/3, 11/3, 18/3, 25/3, 1/4, 8/4
2. Wednesday 10-10:45am: 3-18 months
(class cancelled due to insufficient registration, but will start a new term end of April)
Location: St Margaret's Centre
Leamington Spa, CV31 2HB
3. Friday 10-10:45am: 18 months -3 years old (three spaces left)
Location: The Gap Community Centre, Warwick (CV34 5TD)
Date: 3/3, 10/3, 17/3, 24/3, 31/3, 7/4
* Please let Yi-Ting know ahead of class time if you will be absent from any of the classes. Old students if being absent from the previous term will get discount from the tuition fee. Thank you!! :)