Registration for 2018 Autumn term (6- weeks class)
Dear parents,
I hope you all have enjoyed a great summer time so far!

For the new class from Autumn Term, here are class details:
*Friday 10-10.45am (3 month to 3 years), The Gap Community Centre in Warwick (CV34 5TD):
21/Sep, 28/Sep, 5/Oct, 12/Oct, 19/Oct, 26/Oct
*Friday 2-2.45am (3 month to 3 years), Cawston Community in Rugby (CV22 7GU):
21/Sep, 28/Sep, 5/Oct, 12/Oct, 19/Oct, 26/Oct
*Saturday 10-10.45am (3 month to 2 years), 11-11.45am (2 -4 years)
The Kenilworth Centre (CV8 1QJ):
15/Sep, 29/Sep, 6/Oct, 13/Oct, 20/Oct, 27/Oct
* Fee: £5.5 per lesson (the first trial lesson free!) and siblings get 20% discount.
Please send email to or call 07870165155 for registration.
Payment can be transferred to:
Sort code: 070246 Account number: 48676394 Name: Yi-Ting Huang
Note that due to an early booking from another group on 22/Sep (Sat.) in the Kenilworth Centre, we won't have a class that day but will start the class one week earlier than other groups (starting from 15th but skip the 22nd/Sep.). Sorry about this inconvenience as this venue was booked way before we started the class there.
Also, if we do not have enough registration on Saturday 10am then might combine the two classes to 11am. It works very well the last term, though we hope more younger children would come to participate in the 10am class.
Cannot wait to seeing everyone in a month!!