2018 Autumn Term Part II Registration!
Dear all,
We have run great classes so far for the Part I of 2018 Autumn Term and now it's time to accept the registration for Part II! Please see the dates and locations below:
10/Nov. 17/Nov. 24/Nov. 1/Dec. 8/Dec. 15/Dec.
Saturday 10-10:45am: 3 months- 2 years old
Saturday 11-11:45am: 2 -4 years old
The Kenilworth Centre
Abbey End Car Park
Kenilworth CV8 1QJ
9/Nov. 16/Nov. 23/Nov. 30/Nov. 7/Dec. 14/Dec.
Friday 10-10:45am: 3 months -3 years old
The Gap Community Centre
39 Oakwood Grove
Warwick CV34 5TD
23/Nov. 30/Nov. 7/Dec. 14/Dec. 21/Dec.
Friday 2.15-3pm: 3 months -3 years old
The Kenilworth Centre
Abbey End Car Park
Kenilworth CV8 1QJ
* Fee: £5.5 per lesson (the first trial lesson free!) and siblings get 20% discount. 6 lessons total costs £33 for one child and £26.4 the sibling.
Please send email to info@mmmusicians.com or call 07870165155 for registration.
Payment can be transferred to:
Sort code: 070246 Account number: 48676394 Name: Yi-Ting Huang
Looking forward to seeing you in the coming lessons!