Summary of Mini Mandarin Musicians 2024 Summer term
What an amazing summer term we've had! Huge thanks to all the parents for their incredible support and enthusiastic participation in the class, which has truly enhanced the children's learning journey. I absolutely loved singing songs and playing percussion instruments with all of you, but the best part was definitely witnessing the huge smiles on our little musicians' faces!
With the company of our Little Dragon (小龍 xiǎo lóng), this term we also greeted the mummy & baby elephants (大象 dà xiàng), Mr. Bear (大熊先生 dà xióng xiān shēng), big bad wolf (大野狼 dà yě láng), Old McDonald (王老先生 wáng lǎo xiān shēng) & his animals (動物 dòng wù), and so no. We also learned rowing (划船 huá chuán) in the Dragon Boat Festival, pulling out the radish (拔蘿蔔 bá luó bo), fishing in the sea (捕魚 bǔ yú), making soups (煮湯zhǔ tāng) with various ingredients, tasting the summer fruits (吃水果chī shuǐ guǒ)... etc.
What a great term it's been! Have an awesome summer, and I'll let you know if there are any new classes coming up!
More photos please follow the link here.
