2019 Autumn Term Registration- Part I
Dear parents,
I hope you have enjoyed a great summer so far! The first part of our 2019 Autumn term will start from the 21st of September (Sat.) for 6 weeks. This term we will feature the music about autumn, Moon Festival and stories of animals...etc. As usual, it will be fun for both children and adults to attend!

Here are the class details:
Saturday 10-10.45am (3 month to 3 years old)
The Kenilworth Centre (CV8 1QJ):
21/Sep, 28/Sep, 5/Oct, 12/Oct, 19/Oct and 26/Oct
In addition, a new all-Mandarin class is open on Friday afternoon, please contact me for more details if one of the parents/carers is a native-Mandarin speaker.
* Fee: £33 for the whole term (the first trial lesson free!) and siblings get 20% discount.
Please send email to info@mmmusicians.com
or call 07870165155 for registration.
Payment can be transferred to:
Sort code: 070246 Account number: 48676394 Name: Yi-Ting Huang
Looking forward to seeing everyone in a month!!
Yi-Ting (Edith)